
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Song Lyric: Dangerous to Know

Kids are playing in the park
Left behind in the dark
'Cause their brothers are gone
Somewhere else having fun
Whether sniffing or smoking
Whether drinking or joking
They're forgetting the fact
They're breaking the pact

Their brothers are no-shows
And that's dangerous
And that's dangerous
Dangerous to know

Kids are stranded near the school
Waiting for their brothers who
Forgot to pick the up
Every day it don't stop
No matter what their plans
They're breaking the hands
They're forgetting the truth
They're the role model youth

Their brothers are no-shows
And that's dangerous
And that's dangerous
Dangerous to know

Today kids look up to their brothers
Even the unfortunate others
Who're left alone on the street
Not knowing whom they will meet
Or what will be their fate
If they're forgotten and wait

Their brothers are no-shows
And that's dangerous
And that's dangerous
Dangerous to know

Written 2004-2005

This song lyric is featured in my book Soundtrack of My Life: Volume 2

© Copyright 2004 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.