
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Poem: Sometimes Hurtul Words Can Heal

Sometimes hurtful words can heal
Make you see the truth within the lies
That you made yourself believe were real
To cover up the failures in your life

So when hurtful words come your way
Look past the hurt that attacks you
And focus on the intention of what was said
For it is meant to help you soar
Not lead you to surrender in defeat

Written May 27, 2016

© 2016 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Poem: Rain

Rain bangs on windows, on roofs, and on cars
Creates puddles and rivers and flows very far
Rain cools the body and soothes the soul
Refreshes the air and helps the plants grow
The rain is essential for all living life
For without rain no life would survive

Written July 16, 2016

© 2016 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Song Lyric: I Need Love Here Tonight

Wish it was me
Wish it was you
But there is nothing
That I can do
Can't bring you back
Can't make you stay
So here I am
Well on my way

I'm on my way to find the reason
Why you have left me here this season
So I can make things right again
Be ready for my love's new plan
Oh how I need love here tonight
A love to finally set things right

I hope I find
Love at my door
So I can let
My happiness soar
Right now it's sour
I want it sweet
So that every hour
Makes me complete

I'm on my way to find the reason
Why you have left me here this season
So I can make things right again
Be ready for my love's new plan
Oh how I need love here tonight
A love to finally set things right

Written November 21, 2013

This song lyric is featured in my book An Unforgettable Journey.

© 2013 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.