
Monday, February 26, 2018

Poem: No Response

Whenever I try to contact you
You don’t pick up the phone
You don’t call me back
You don’t reply to my text messages
Or the emails I send you

No matter what I do
There is no response
No acknowledgement

I know you may be busy
But in my mind it seems like
You are simply ignoring me
And I can’t fathom why that is

What have I done
To deserve such treatment
You can’t just shut me out
Without an explanation
You can’t just go on with your life
As if I don’t exist or never did

I do not wish to be ignored any longer
So, if you don’t want me around anymore
Just tell me and I will let you be

Written February 26, 2018

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Poem: Letter from a Stranger

A letter came from you
And yet it might as well
Have been a letter from a stranger
Because I didn’t recognize you
In the words that filled the page
In the stories you shared
In the emotions you conveyed

Where is the you I know
The person who was always honest
And didn’t have to make up stories
To please others around him
Who didn’t have to pretend
To be someone he is not

What happened to you
That you have the need
To spin a web of lies
To impress others around you
To feel good about yourself

You are who you are
Embrace it
Own it
Celebrate it

Immensely talented

You are beautiful
Inside and out

You are YOU!

Written January 26, 2018

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.