
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Poem: I Remain a Mute

You silence my words
They remain inside
Can't say how I feel
Can't voice what I hide

They need to escape
But buried they are
And what's on mind
Can't get very far

I fear your reaction
And what you will say
That you'll shut me out
Or ruin my day

Protecting myself
From the heart and the pain
I remain a mute
With nothing to gain

So when will I say
That enough is enough
Your reactions won't hurt me
Because I am tough

And let them escape
These words of my heart
These thoughts that are yearning
To not fall apart

Perhaps I can do it 
Perhaps I can soar
Once this crippling fear
Is here no more

But how can this fear
Be gone from within
When it's always there
Not letting me win

Guess I should accept it
Embrace my own fear
And that's when these words
Won't be silenced my dear

Written February 9, 2022

© 2022 Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.