
Monday, September 19, 2022

Poem: Tick-Tock

The clock on the wall
Goes tick-tock, tick-tock
Am I going to fall
Down below on the rock

It's a slippery slope
Up ahead on this trail
But today is my hope
That somehow I'll prevail

Do I have it inside me
To conquer and win
Or is my fate to be
To be dormant within

The clock on the wall
Goes tick-tock, tick tock
I need to stand tall 
So I won't get stuck

It seemed I'm still young 
But now I'm almost forty
A third of life gone 
But where is my glory

What have I achieved
That's worthy of praise
The things I have grieved
The things yet to chase

Don't yet know my story
Don't yet know my ending
Don't want to be sorry
Or be left pretending

As if everything's fine
When in fact I am lost
On this journey of mine
With uncertainty's cost 

Do I even belong here
And what is my worth
In this world so unclear
In my life on this earth

Written September 19, 2022

© 2022 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.