
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poem: Passionate Words

Your passionate words imprint on my heart
And touch me so deeply right from the start
They sprinkle their magic while melting my soul
With romance and love that forever does grow
They quicken my heartbeat and I drown in bliss
I feel like a princess swept away by her prince
So thanks for the honor of being your muse
Now I feel extra special that me you did choose
We'll forever be linked by sweet words of your art
Written there in the stars in my dreams in my heart

Written September 24, 2007

This poem is featured in my book Pieces of Me

© Copyright 2007 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. Oh sail Poetess upon your muse that is to be enjoyed by all

  2. The rhyme and rhythm of this writing is great and I loved the romantic feel of its words.
