
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Poem: Feeling like an Outsider

I find myself in a crowd of people
Those I’ve met many times before
Those I see on a frequent basis
And yet I feel like an outsider
Like I don’t belong among them
Like I don’t belong in their world

I feel so alone
So small
So isolated
And I wish to escape
This crowd
These people

I wish to escape to a place
That will bring me peace
Bring me comfort
A place I won’t feel like I am an outsider
A place I won’t feel like I don’t belong

But there is nowhere for me to go
And so I remain where I am
And fight these burning tears
That wish to escape me
That I can’t let others see

Every minute feels like an hour
And there I am in my own cocoon
Wishing that these people
With their smiling faces
And their loud conversations
Would be a blur
Their voices hushed
Replaced by the silence
I’ve grown accustomed to

I don’t want to be here
Not like this
Not when I don’t fit in
At least in my mind
Not when I want to escape
And run away

They welcome me into their circle
So why do I feel like this?
Why do I feel like an outsider?
Why do I feel like I don’t belong?

Written March 25, 2018

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. A writer who is honestly expressing her feelings, the writing touches the soul of those who care and don't see this from the writer under any circumstances - words can sometimes have hidden memories of a time in the past. This writing is excellently written and the reader can so relate because this reader felt it came from the soul.

  2. Some of us probably do not belong here; it is an immense and infinite universe. I know I have felt what you express in this poem on more than one occasion, I can assure you. Thank you for sharing, Lena.

  3. When I read this, I felt, most writer's have felt this same way I'm sure; many times we feel we don't fit in because many times we are in our own world writing. I could definitely understand this writers poem, it did touch my heart because many times, we're actually left out because we've never been "in" to begin with. I felt her heart and understand her feeling and I do believe many writers might feel left out because they're truly never "in!"
