
Monday, June 11, 2018

Poem: Stolen Diary

She went to the secret spot
Where her diary was hidden
And found that it wasn’t there
She checked everywhere else in the house
Even in places it couldn’t possibly be
But the diary was nowhere in sight

The diary’s disappearance
Could only mean that it was stolen
By someone who hungered for
The deepest secrets
The most inner thoughts and feelings
Buried deep within its pages
And yearned to expose them to the world

But who would do such a thing
Especially when no one knew of its existence
No one but the plush dog on her bed
That has been her confidante for many years
And the four walls that she’s trapped herself in
For a big part of her life

They say if you stop looking
That the missing object will resurface
But in this instance it doesn’t seem
Like the diary will ever be found
And all its secrets may no longer be
Under lock and key

Written June 11, 2018

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. Mystic or Magic upon
    treasured secrets gone
    A betrayal
    of sorts not in any way
    A must for Scotland Yard
    to investigate
    for one's sanity from
    this very well written

  2. That IS a betrayal! I felt a betrayal when one of my three older brothers read my diary to my MOTHER!!!! My mother was shocked and I was humiliated. Let's do lunch!
