
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Poem: Another Run in with a Clown

I had another run in with a clown
That clown looked exactly like me
Except he had it all figured out
And here I am without a clue
Of who I am meant to be
What I am meant to be doing
And how I can force myself
To make things happen
So when I have another run in with a clown
I won’t think of myself as one

Written May 28, 2018 

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. You certainly going to outdo that clown, wait & see, I believe in You. Barb:)

  2. Your words suggest that you didn't like the way you felt when you met the clown the first time...............I feel you are "arming" yourself!! 'Enjoyed!!

