
Monday, April 15, 2019

Three Limericks Written October 23, 2018

“They Called Joanne the Limerick Queen”

They called Joanne the limerick queen
She always filled the empty screen
Everyone laughed like crazy
Till their eyes became hazy
Her writing always caused quite a scene

“A Mouse Craved for Stinky Cheese”

A mouse craved for some stinky cheese
Getting inside the café was a breeze
But all that French gold
That cheese with green mold
Was only making it sneeze

“Sam Wanted to Rescue a Cat from a Tree”

A black cat was stuck in a tree
Sam wanted to help set him free
He climbed for the cat
Saw it was a bat
So he jumped and flew like a bee

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. I see you have entered the world of limerick fun. Nicely done, Lena.

  2. great to see that you are expanding to limerick in the world of writing
