
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poem: You Light up My World

The moonlight playing across the calm waters,
The twinkling stars overhead,
These are all reminders
Of how you light up my world.

There's definitely a connection between us,
Because when you are down I am down,
And when you are happy so am I.

Texting is all we have,
But it is better than not having anything,
Because without texting
You would only exist in my mind.

You are my biggest fan,
And that means more to me
Than a fat paycheck.

Written September 23, 2012

© 2012 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Three Limericks Written June 30, 2019

“Sam Was Pressured by His Best Friend”

Sam was pressured by his best friend
To help him spy on his girlfriend
They went to trendiest bars
And smoked expensive cigars
That quickly became their new trend

“Mike Didn’t Wanna Shave”

Mike did not want to shave his long beard
Everyone thought it made him look weird
And when his head became bald
His wife was very appalled
Said she'd divorce him if he wasn't sheared

“Kris Was Not a Good Guitar Player”

Kris enjoyed playing his guitar
He thought it would get him quite far
But he wasn't that good yet
Which made everyone fret
So he couldn’t fill up his coin jar

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Limerick: Sylvester Was Quite the Charmer

Sylvester worked hard as a farmer
But he also was quite the charmer
All the girls on the scene
He made feel like a queen
Took them to his barn to get warmer

Written June 24, 2019

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Three Limericks Written June 13, 2019

“A Guy Lost His Toupee”

A guy with a bald spot on his head
Chose to wear an old toupee instead
But the wind was wild that day
And his toupee flew away
He decided his bald head was rad

“Why Did the Chickens Cross the Road?”

Why did all the chickens cross the road?
And cause the car traffic to be slowed?
Did they spot a berry?
Were they feeling merry?
To the cemetery’s where they strode

“Jonah Made Mother Mad”

Jonah was an older brother
And a brother like no other
But he still made mother mad
When he did not make his bed
And acted just like his father

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Three Limericks Written October 23, 2018

“They Called Joanne the Limerick Queen”

They called Joanne the limerick queen
She always filled the empty screen
Everyone laughed like crazy
Till their eyes became hazy
Her writing always caused quite a scene

“A Mouse Craved for Stinky Cheese”

A mouse craved for some stinky cheese
Getting inside the café was a breeze
But all that French gold
That cheese with green mold
Was only making it sneeze

“Sam Wanted to Rescue a Cat from a Tree”

A black cat was stuck in a tree
Sam wanted to help set him free
He climbed for the cat
Saw it was a bat
So he jumped and flew like a bee

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Four Limericks Written March 29, 2019

“Elle’s Excited for Her Date”

Elle takes a ferry into the city
All dressed to the nines she’s feeling pretty
For her date she’s excited
And she just cannot hide it
Out of the blue Elle starts singing a ditty

“Tom Hated Beans”

Tom hated beans since he was a kid
When grandpa made them he had them hid
Put them inside his pocket
Gave them to his dog Locket
Now he gives them to his picky kid

“Lenka Had Nothing to Wear to a Wedding”

Lenka had to attend a wedding
Went to the mall not finding a thing
Left with nothing to wear
Gave Lenka a scare
She dreamed she went wearing nothing

“Mary Drank Too Much”

Mary put on some high trendy shoes
Opened a bottle of finest booze
She drank way too much
Lost her poise and such
Went flying like old Mother Goose

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Poem: Can't Recognize the Reflection in the Mirror

I stare at myself in the mirror
Unable to recognize the reflection I see
Where is that girl that's full of life
The girl with the confidence and drive
The desire for greatness and success
Not just as words in the air
But as actions that lead to change
Where did that person go?
Why was she replaced with someone
Who wants change but does nothing
Or doesn't try hard enough to make it happen?

Written March 29, 2019

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Poem: Getting Rid of His Belongings

There was an empty glass of gin next to her
One he drank before he was taken
A ton of his soiled clothes
Lay in a pile ready for washing
In the now vacant room
She knew she had to throw them out
Along with that empty glass
But she couldn't do it
Because getting rid of his belongings
Meant letting him go for good

Written January 26, 2019

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

This was written from a writing challenge where I had to make a list of words from the word "washington" and use those words in a poem. Those words are underlined in the poem.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Three New Limericks Written January 16th, 2019

“Lena and Sonny Sitting on a Tree”

Lena and Sonny were sitting on a tree
Staring at the birds flying over the sea
Then all of a sudden
It rained down on them
The poop from the birds hot like tea

“A Boy Named Rok”

A boy from the country named Rok
Was desperate to find his sock
So while on his quest
He found a chest
And inside it an angry green croc

“A Boy Named Sunny”

There once was a boy named Sunny
His parents thought his name was funny
Until one fine day
To his own dismay
He fell down the hole like a bunny

© 2019 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.