
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Poem: You and the Sled

Snowflakes fall from the sky
As I stand on a hill
Thinking of days gone by
Of a time when I was just a child
And you took me riding on a sled

You gave me a gentle push
Down and down the hill I went
Past snow covered pine trees
Feeling the cold wind on my cheeks

When the sled came to a stop
I got up and saw you waving at me
Letting me know you’re there waiting
To give me another gentle push down the hill

I dragged the sled back up the hill
And when I finally reached the top
You ran to me with open arms
And embraced me with your warmth
On a cold winter’s day

Just like you always do
Whenever I stand on a hill 
And watch the snowflakes fall

Written June 26, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Poem: Beneath the Weeping Willow

Beneath the weeping willow
I think of days gone by
Of days with you beside me
Watching the birds as they fly
And sing the sweetest melodies
Of love so true and pure
That only grows as days go by
And is my saving cure

For a broken heart that’s lonely
And yearning for embrace
For light and warmth and happiness
That nothing can erase
I’ll be forever grateful
That you have come my way
For you complete a part of me
That I had lost one day

And now that I have found it
I hope it’s here to stay
Just like the love I have for you
Though you have gone away
And all the hope I thought was gone
Has now returned once more
And I no longer feel as if 
I’m drowning by the shore

Written June 25, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Poem: Lost in the Moment

I’m lost in the moment
With the passing of the day
Thinking of the path of life
As I’m taking a boardwalk stroll
Beneath the wonder of the moon
Crying out to the everlasting presence
The one of a kind
Message in the stars
A reminder of the magical moment
Between you and me
And our passionate words
An awakening of another tomorrow

Written May 10, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Poem: I Think of You

As the hot sun sets
I think of you
And your heartwarming smile
As you sing note after passionate note
Transporting me into another world
Where only happiness surrounds
And all the worries are in the past

Written May 24, 2021  

© 2021 Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Poem: Yearnings

I look out into the distance
At the rows of tombstones
Spread out over the giant field
And I have this yearning to see you
To wrap my arms around you
To tell you about my day
And ask you about yours
To sit with you in the kitchen
And enjoy a delicious meal
Along with some refreshing tea
But all of these things are not to be
As you have moved to a different place
Beneath the rows of tombstones
That have become my constant view
All I can do now is go past that fence
Walk up to your forever home
And imagine us together in my mind
Doing all of the things I yearn for
That can no longer be real

Written June 7, 2021  

© 2021 Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.