
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Poem: You and the Sled

Snowflakes fall from the sky
As I stand on a hill
Thinking of days gone by
Of a time when I was just a child
And you took me riding on a sled

You gave me a gentle push
Down and down the hill I went
Past snow covered pine trees
Feeling the cold wind on my cheeks

When the sled came to a stop
I got up and saw you waving at me
Letting me know you’re there waiting
To give me another gentle push down the hill

I dragged the sled back up the hill
And when I finally reached the top
You ran to me with open arms
And embraced me with your warmth
On a cold winter’s day

Just like you always do
Whenever I stand on a hill 
And watch the snowflakes fall

Written June 26, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only. 

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