
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Poem: Remembering Our Time in the Woods

The flames of the fire pit
Soar higher and higher
As the winds increase
I am standing frozen in place
Lost in the orange glow
Remembering our time in the woods
When it was a bit of a chilly day
And I yearned for some warmth
Having you there, embracing me,
And offering me your jacket
Gave me all the warmth I needed
To make it through the winding trail
To the comfort of your cozy car
And into your loving arms

Written September 6, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

1 comment:

  1. Special moments well recalled and shared through your verses, Lena. Well done! πŸ’›πŸπŸŒΌπŸŒΊπŸ™
