
Monday, November 7, 2022

Poems: Memories Reborn

Memories that fade with time
Can be reborn 
Just like the seasons
Each season sparking visuals
Of what once was

Bit by bit the details spring forth
Revealing the passing of time
Forming a complete painting
Of all that unfolded long ago

Drops of rain against the windowpane
Snowflakes falling from the sky
The rustling of the leaves
Their crunch under your feet
The booming thunder overhead

All these things and more
Can bring back memories
That seemed to have faded 

All you need to do 
Is be one with nature
And you will find the past
Coming alive before your very eyes

Written November 7, 2022

© 2022 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. Yes! I find that often, a sound (like a song, for example), a scent, a touch, or a scene can evoke vivid memories. Nicely done, Lena. ~ Regis 😎
