
Monday, October 15, 2018

Poem: Visiting Your Gravesite

I went to the cemetery to pay you a visit
But when I got to your gravesite
Tears flooded my face once more
It’s been almost two years since your passing
And yet there is no monument erected in your honor
No loving words etched in memory of you
All that exists is the ugly name tag
Stuck into a pile of dirt

When will that change
When will I finally see the headstone
That reminds us of your presence
That brings to life
The everlasting memories you left us
When you went on your way

The scars never truly fade
And find themselves reawakening
From time to time
Like at the moment I visit you
Only to find that your gravesite is naked
And the picture of you
Along with the loving words
Is only in my mind
And not for the world to see

Written January 5, 2018

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. A canvas of a naked gravesite, forgotten by the world around it, lonely, sad, and waiting to be visited. Great Images!!

    1. Thank you Barbara! I hope my dad finally gets him a headstone. I am saddened that he hasn't done it already. Over two years is a long time...

  2. Very moving, Lena; I am sure many can relate. Nicely and lovingly written.

    1. Thank you. I can't believe my grandpa still doesn't have a headstone. Very sad.
