
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Three Limericks That Mention Animals

“Sam Wanted to Rescue a Cat from a Tree”
October 23, 2018

A black cat was stuck in a tree
Sam wanted to help set him free
He climbed for the cat
But then saw it’s a bat
So he jumped and flew like a bee


“Colony of Ants”
August 30, 2018

She woke to a colony of ants
That was crawling right into her pants
She screamed and she ran
Bumped into the fan
That blew them away toward the plants


“A Bee Sat on a Flower”
August 29, 2018

A bee sat down on a flower
She sat still for many an hour
They thought she was dead
But she went on ahead
Tanning beneath the sun shower

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. Fine limericks, Lena. Much enjoyed!

  2. Thank you. I think I am getting the hang of it, though at times it's a challenge.
