
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Poem: White Daisies

Your white daisies in the vase
Are slowly shedding their petals

One by one they fall
One for every piece of you
That is slowly fading
As your days are coming to an end

Soon all that will be left are the stems
And the individual memories of you
That will forever bloom in my heart

Whenever I think of you
I will always envision a beautiful field
Filled with endless rows of white daisies
That stand tall beneath the warmth of the sun

And I will be surrounded by the love
By the comfort of your presence
That will always linger
Until the day that we meet again

Written November 27, 2021

Ⓒ 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Poem: Time to Say Good-Bye

It's time to say good-bye
To the last one left standing
To the one now in eternal slumber
To a generation that has lived through it all
Gone but never forgotten
Whose legacy will live on
In the generations of the present
And the future ones to come

Written November 20, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Limerick: A Guy Named Barry

I ran into a guy named Barry
Whose outfit looked rather scary
Lots of blood everywhere
So I fled far from there
From a monster that was way too hairy

Written October 19, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Poem: Remembering Our Time in the Woods

The flames of the fire pit
Soar higher and higher
As the winds increase
I am standing frozen in place
Lost in the orange glow
Remembering our time in the woods
When it was a bit of a chilly day
And I yearned for some warmth
Having you there, embracing me,
And offering me your jacket
Gave me all the warmth I needed
To make it through the winding trail
To the comfort of your cozy car
And into your loving arms

Written September 6, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Poem: Nameless

Buried underground you are nameless
No way of knowing where you are from a distance
Only standing beside you
Can I see exactly where you are
But how do I know the exact spot of your existence
When yours is like many others surrounding you
When will you finally get the headstone you deserve
So I can visit you without searching for you
Among a colony of those that have taken up residence down below
And panicking when you are nowhere to be found

Written August 30, 2021  

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Poem: Is Your Love Pretend?

The rain and thunder beating down
And I am lost in thoughts that drown

As you stare at me with hungry eyes
I wonder if they are filled with lies

The love you have is it pretend
And when you reach out with your hand

Is it to help me or to stop
To block my path, to make me drop

I love the hunger in your eyes
But if it’s only filled with lies

Then you are in for quite a loss
Because you see I am the boss

And I forbid the tales you spin
They may entice but you won’t win

I will not be part of this sham
I’m telling you, you better scram

Once your attentions are exposed
To you my heart and soul are closed

I’ll leave you there alone to rot
And that’s the ending to your plot

Written July 5, 2021

Original Version

You look at me with hungry eyes
But those eyes are filled with lies
The love you have is all pretend
And when you reach out with your hand
It’s not to help me but to stop
To block my path, to make me drop
It’s you with hunger in your eyes
So let me satisfy those lies
I will pretend that you’re the boss
But then you’ll be in for a loss
Because my eyes will close shut 
Leaving you there alone to rot

Written June 26, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Poem: You Appeared in My Dream

A glance out the window
Brought with it a view
Of colored leaves blowing in the breeze
And piles of dried leaves
That I pictured crunching against my boots

And then I saw you
Sitting on the old couch
Your head bent down
A faint snore escaping your lips

I thought you were peacefully sleeping
But as I slowly neared you
The snoring was silent
Your body like a dropping flower
And it turned out you were gone
Gone deep into the land of dreams
The kind you can’t escape from

And that’s when I opened my eyes
And wondered about your presence in my dream
I haven’t dreamed of you in a while
Was your sudden appearance a sign or a warning
And what did it mean

Written June 26, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Poem: You and the Sled

Snowflakes fall from the sky
As I stand on a hill
Thinking of days gone by
Of a time when I was just a child
And you took me riding on a sled

You gave me a gentle push
Down and down the hill I went
Past snow covered pine trees
Feeling the cold wind on my cheeks

When the sled came to a stop
I got up and saw you waving at me
Letting me know you’re there waiting
To give me another gentle push down the hill

I dragged the sled back up the hill
And when I finally reached the top
You ran to me with open arms
And embraced me with your warmth
On a cold winter’s day

Just like you always do
Whenever I stand on a hill 
And watch the snowflakes fall

Written June 26, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Poem: Beneath the Weeping Willow

Beneath the weeping willow
I think of days gone by
Of days with you beside me
Watching the birds as they fly
And sing the sweetest melodies
Of love so true and pure
That only grows as days go by
And is my saving cure

For a broken heart that’s lonely
And yearning for embrace
For light and warmth and happiness
That nothing can erase
I’ll be forever grateful
That you have come my way
For you complete a part of me
That I had lost one day

And now that I have found it
I hope it’s here to stay
Just like the love I have for you
Though you have gone away
And all the hope I thought was gone
Has now returned once more
And I no longer feel as if 
I’m drowning by the shore

Written June 25, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Poem: Lost in the Moment

I’m lost in the moment
With the passing of the day
Thinking of the path of life
As I’m taking a boardwalk stroll
Beneath the wonder of the moon
Crying out to the everlasting presence
The one of a kind
Message in the stars
A reminder of the magical moment
Between you and me
And our passionate words
An awakening of another tomorrow

Written May 10, 2021

© 2021 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Poem: I Think of You

As the hot sun sets
I think of you
And your heartwarming smile
As you sing note after passionate note
Transporting me into another world
Where only happiness surrounds
And all the worries are in the past

Written May 24, 2021  

© 2021 Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

Poem: Yearnings

I look out into the distance
At the rows of tombstones
Spread out over the giant field
And I have this yearning to see you
To wrap my arms around you
To tell you about my day
And ask you about yours
To sit with you in the kitchen
And enjoy a delicious meal
Along with some refreshing tea
But all of these things are not to be
As you have moved to a different place
Beneath the rows of tombstones
That have become my constant view
All I can do now is go past that fence
Walk up to your forever home
And imagine us together in my mind
Doing all of the things I yearn for
That can no longer be real

Written June 7, 2021  

© 2021 Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.