And as I near you
There you are
Staring at me
Gazing right through me
Right into my soul
You have left us behind
And yet you are still here
Watching my every move
Listening to every thought
That escapes me
Or remains hidden within
Perhaps that is just
A figment of my imagination
But there is an eerie feeling
In the room as I near you
To say hello
To utter a few words
And I feel as if you are judging me
As if you are disappointed with who I am
Or the way I live my life
Or that I am not moving forward
And I find myself weeping
My face streaked with tears
Wondering about your last thoughts of me
Before you went away
Wondering about your last words to me
In that hospital room
Words that you screamed out
But were muted
By a tube in your throat
As you looked at me with fear in your eyes
Written October 17, 2022