Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Limericks: "Jeena Baked a Pie" and "A Guy Named Dan"

“Jeena Baked a Pie”
August 26, 2018

Jeena wanted to bake a pie
This dessert was her very first try
And when it came out
She gave out a shout
It looked like a bug with one eye


“A Guy Named Dan”
August 27, 2018

A guy from the city named Dan
He was clever and he had a plan
He wanted the money
So he left his honey
And he became rich once again

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.


  1. These are great, Lena! Way to go! :)

  2. Fun rhythm and great rhyme not to mention very clever!

  3. I love the rhythm preceding that one eyed bug episode!
