Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Poem: Tears from an Old Book

Flipping through pages of an old book
My life is filled with tears never-ending
My future has a bitter outlook
No sugar coating, no more pretending

I am the only one who can rewrite the story
The only one to make a life that’s sweet
The only one who can achieve the glory
To make my life one that’s not incomplete

It’s up to me to wipe away the tears
Tears of the past that haunt me to this day
To rid myself of all the settling fears
That keep me dormant and won’t go away

Until I tell myself I’ve had enough
That I’ll take charge and fight to make a change
That I can do this and that I am tough
The life I hate will never rearrange

Because no one can help me here but me
To live the kind of life I want to live
To be the person that I wish to be
To change the sad existence that I grieve

Written May 8, 2018 

© 2018 by Lena Kovadlo. Use with permission only.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my this is touching!!! Lena I agree with this writing, you hold the key and only you can turn the lock to open another world - love this, it's from the heart and soul. There's no better writing than that which comes from within. Barb :)
